Tuesday, 27 May 2014

First visit to RIPAS Gynaecology

Last Saturday Fen had an appointment with the gynecologist in RIPAS. It was her first visit. The appointment was 9am, but knowing the insufficient parking in RIPAS would delay us, we arrived an hour early at 8am. To my surprise, I was amazed with the parking technology at RIPAS basement parking.

Basement parking with counter tracking number of available space is common, but as I drove down, I saw the red lights on. Apparently, if the parking space is not available, the red light will be turn on. And if you see a green light on from far, you know there is an empty parking space. This makes life so much easier and convenient, as you don't need to make turns and turns to find a parking. 

Since we arrived earlier, Fen and I explored the canteen. A huge green signboard caught my attention. It wrote: "Makanan Sihat" which means healthy food. Guess what? I was surprised nasi katok is categorized as healthy food. And its in the hospital canteen. First thing pop in my mind, 

1) Are these foods suitable for the patients?
2) Isn't hospital a place that emphasize health?
3) Anyone regulating the choice of food to sell?

Fast forward few hours later, Fen was done with her checkup, which lasted 15mins only. That's right! A pregnant lady waited for 5 hours to get a 15mins check up (ultra-sound ONLY). It hurts to see Fen waiting impatiently for the whole morning, with minimal food intake. Hence, the redemption was Thai lunch at Lemon Grass Kiulap :)

Fried Kang-Kung w/ Belacan

Cooking a vegetable dish can be as easy as brushing your teeth in the morning. All you need to do is to keep trying and you will eventually use the same technique for different vegetables. Last week, under Fen's supervision, I've cooked fried Kang-Kung with belacan.

Preparation Time: < 5mins
Cooking Time: < 10mins

1) Kang-Kung (Obviously)
2) Belacan (Of course!)
3) Garlic
4) Chili
5) Salt

Getting ready~

In order, garlic - chili - belacan. Fry until you smell like belacan :)

Kang-kung joining the fun. Add little salt for flavoring

Ta-Da~ Quick, simple and easy dish ready to serve

Honey Chicken

Chicken has been my regular meal and that itself is a motivation for me to learn a few dishes with chicken. Last weekend was one that I prepared a few dishes for Fen to try. And I decided to try this honey chicken.

Preparation Time: < 15mins
Cooking Time: < 20mins

1) Chicken (Preferably wings)
2) Pepper & Salt (For seasoning)
3) Honey
4) Soy Sauce

Getting ready~

Split the chicken into wings & drumsticks

Add some pepper

And some salt for seasoning

Mix the chicken well with salt and pepper.
Once done, place in fridge for 3-4 hours

Prepare the honey sauce
Ratio of honey to soy sauce is 2:1
Add some teaspoon of vegetable oil

Fry the chicken under low heat

The chicken should be cooked gently

Slow cook the chicken with pre-made honey sauce

Ta-Da~ Honey Chicken ready to be served~

Egg Fried Rice

One of the food I have been avoiding in a long while has been R-I-C-E. I have this perception that, unless I am working out really hard and burn a lot of calories, I will not take rice. I always have this idea that one bowl of white rice equals to six bowls of white sugar (myth or not I'm not sure).

On the other hand, Fen is a rice lover. You wouldn't believe her petite body could contain such amount of food, especially rice. So, instead of having plain rice everyday, I cooked fried rice for her last week. Its quick, simple and easy if you are looking for a variety.

Preparation Time: < 5mins

1) Rice (Of course! I pre-cook the rice and made sure it cools down before frying)
2) Vegetable oil
3) Salt (up to your flavoring)
4) Garlic (small pinch)
5) 2 Eggs

Getting Ready~

1) Oil first
2) Fry garlic until you smell the aroma
3) Fry the rice

Stir the eggs and mix it with the rice

Ta-Da~ Egg Fried Rice

Thursday, 22 May 2014

10 Choices You Will Regret in 10 Years (Re-post from www.the-open-mind.com)

Here are ten choices that ultimately lead to this phrase of regret, and how to elude them:

1.  Wearing a mask to impress others. – If the face you always show the world is a mask, someday there will be nothing beneath it.  Because when you spend too much time concentrating on everyone else’s perception of you, or who everyone else wants you to be, you eventually forget who you really are.  So don’t fear the judgments of others; you know in your heart who you are and what’s true to you.  You don’t have to be perfect to impress and inspire people.  Let them be impressed and inspired by how you deal with your imperfections.

2. Letting someone else create your dreams for you. – The greatest challenge in life is discovering who you are; the second greatest is being happy with what you find.  A big part of this is your decision to stay true toyour own goals and dreams.  Do you have people who disagree with you?  Good.  It means you’re standing your ground and walking your own path.  Sometimes you’ll do things considered crazy by others, but when you catch yourself excitedly losing track of time, that’s when you’ll know you’re doing the right thing.  Read The 4-Hour Workweek.

3. Keeping negative company. – Don’t let someone who has a bad attitude give it to you.  Don’t let them get to you.  They can’t pull the trigger if you don’t hand them the gun.  When you remember that keeping the company of negative people is a choice, instead of an obligation, you free yourself to keep the company of compassion instead of anger, generosity instead of greed, and patience instead of anxiety.

4. Being selfish and egotistical. – A life filled with loving deeds and good character is the best tombstone.  Those who you inspired and shared your love with will remember how you made them feel long after your time has expired.  So carve your name on hearts, not stone.  What you have done for yourself alone dies with you; what you have done for others and the world remains.

5. Avoiding change and growth. – If you want to know your past look into your present conditions.  If you want to know your future look into your present actions.  You must let go of the old to make way for the new; the old way is gone, never to come back.  If you acknowledge this right now and take steps to address it, you will position yourself for lasting success. Read The Power of Habit.

6. Giving up when the going gets tough. – There are no failures, just results.  Even if things don’t unfold the way you had expected, don’t be disheartened or give up.  Learn what you can and move on.  The one who continues to advance one step at a time will win in the end.  Because the battle is always won far away and long before the final victory.  It’s a process that occurs with small steps, decisions, and actions that gradually build upon each other and eventually lead to that glorious moment of triumph.

7. Trying to micromanage every little thing. – Life should be touched, not strangled.  Sometimes you’ve got to relax and let life happen without incessant worry and micromanagement.  Learn to let go a little before you squeeze too tight.  Take a deep breath.  When the dust settles and you can once again see the forest for the trees, take the next step forward.  You don’t have to know exactly where you’re going to be headed somewhere great.  Everything in life is in perfect order whether you understand it yet or not.  It just takes some time to connect all the dots.

8. Settling for less than you deserve. – Be strong enough to let go and wise enough to wait for what you deserve.  Sometimes you have to get knocked down lower than you have ever been to stand up taller than you ever were before.  Sometimes your eyes need to be washed by your tears so you can see the possibilities in front of you with a clearer vision again.  Don’t settle.

9. Endlessly waiting until tomorrow. – The trouble is, you always think you have more time than you do.  But one day you will wake up and there won’t be any more time to work on the things you’ve always wanted to do.  And at that point you either will have achieved the goals you set for yourself, or you will have a list of excuses for why you haven’t.  Read The Last Lecture.

10. Being lazy and wishy-washy. – The world doesn’t owe you anything, you owe the world something.  So stop daydreaming and start DOING.  Develop a backbone, not a wishbone.  Take full responsibility for your life – take control.  You are important and you are needed.  It’s too late to sit around and wait for somebody to do something someday.  Someday is now; the somebody the world needs is YOU.

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

娶了个洋媳妇, 全家人生活巨变 (Re-post from mp.weixin.qq.com)









RULE ONE:不吃就饿着














RULE TWO、以其人之道,还治其人之身
















RULE FOUR、管教孩子是父母的事

















Sunday, 18 May 2014

Butterfly Kisses - Bob Carlisle

I came across a short clip today, about a bride's first dance. This was the song played in the background. So, I went online searching for the lyrics, and BINGO! This is such a perfect song for father / daughter dances at the wedding. Enjoy the lyrics:-

There's two things I know for sure:
She was sent here from heaven and she's daddy's little girl.
As I drop to my knees by her bed at night
She talks to Jesus and I close my eyes 
and I thank god for all of the joy in my life
Oh, but most of all

For butterfly kisses after bedtime prayer;
sticking little white flowers all up in her hair; 
"Walk beside the pony, Daddy, it's my first ride."
"I know the cake looks funny, Daddy, but I sure tried."
Oh, with all that I've done wrong, I must have done something right
To deserve a hug every morning And butterfly kisses at night.

Sweet 16 today
She's looking like her mama a little more everyday
One part woman, the other part girl.
To perfume and make-up from ribbons and curls
Trying her wings out in a great big world.
But I remember.....

Butterfly kisses after bedtime prayer; 
sticking little white flowers all up in her hair.
"You know how much I love you, Daddy, 
But if you don't mind I'm only gonna kiss you on the cheek this time."
Oh with all that I've done wrong I must have done something right 
to deserve her love every morning and butterfly kisses at night.

All the precious time
Like the wind, the years go by.
Precious butterfly.
Spread your wings and fly.

She'll change her name today.
She'll make a promise and I'll give her away.
Standing in the bride-room just staring at her.
She asked me what I'm thinking and I said 
"I'm not sure-I just feel like I'm losing my baby girl."
She leaned over

Gave me butterfly kisses with her mama there,
Sticking little white flowers all up in her hair
"Walk me down the aisle, Daddy-it's just about time."
"Does my wedding gown look pretty, Daddy? Daddy, don't cry"
Oh, with all that I've done wrong I must have done something right.
To deserve her love every morning and butterfly kisses

I couldn't ask God for more, man this is what love is.
I know I gotta let her go, but I'll always remember
Every hug in the morning and butterfly kisses...